Saturday, April 4, 2009

Alissa's Baby Shower was . . .

suppose to be a surprise, but she had already figured it out. We love her anyway. We met at a pizza place in Bradford,VT called Colatina's. They had her birthday party there for the last two years, so everyone figured that if she was told it was for her birthday party she would not suspect anything. However, she outsmarted us!!!

Brittany & Amber made cute cupcakes for the party & handled the decorations.
They did an awesome job!
We missed you Cassie & know that you were with us in thought. We'll see you soon!
We had a good time eating salad & pizza & watching Alissa open her gifts.
Here are a few pictures of the "Mother To Be" opening her gifts.
This is going to be one well-dressed, spoiled baby girl.

A few of the guests watching Alissa open her gifts.

1 comment:

colleen said...

Alissa, looks so beautiful pregnant. Thanks for letting us share the moment even though we are far away. Love and miss all you guys. Colleen